An identity that was recognisable & representable of the charity

Founded in 1978, The Story of Christmas is an annual festive charity event, strongly supported by the property & construction industry. The event raises money for a diverse range of charitable projects, benefitting the homeless and disadvantaged children.

December 2022 marked The Story of Christmas Appeal’s 45th presentation and our role at G.A Group was to update the brand, creating an identity that was recognisable & representable of the charity.

In tandem with the new look, this annual star-studded charity fundraiser also made history with a new record of donations totalling an incredible £820,000.

Impactful features that resonated with the nature of the foundation

After 45 years it was time to make the brand more contemporary both in terms of aesthetics but also in the way the charity interacts with its distinguished supporters.
We identified key features of the original logo mark to then evolve into a new contemporary identity. The gold star and roundel were strong and impactful features that resonated with the nature of the foundation - creating the body of the identity.

As part of this evolution, a strategic decision was made to transition certain assets, like the brochure, into an online format.

Showcasing the new identity

The order of service was printed to showcase the new identity and decorate the church. We chose two premium, contrasting colour papers for the covers, carefully alternating them in the pews to infuse a contemporary feel into the event's atmosphere The design team introduced delicate gold foil in the shape of a star to the cover and to the illustrations throughout.

Star Recipes

‘Star Recipes’ is a cookbook initiated by a Story of Christmas Ambassador, Ivana Neskovic, and endorsed by Dame Judi Dench in 2022. Our role was to bring this culinary vision to life, infusing it with the brand’s fresh identity and ultimately creating a refined and luxurious product.
The star from the logo was scaled down and repeated to create a simple, elegant pattern printed on to the cover of the book, replicating delicate gift wrap.

We are proud to play a small part in such a special event

Other design assets included pin badges to be presented to the presidents & board of trustees, an online digital brochure, banners for the evening and a digital presentation highlighting the charitable projects and sponsors for the 2022 fundraiser.
We are proud to play a small part in such a special event and we’re happy to be involved in 2023 for a second year in a row…